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Educator Preparation Program

Colorado Mountain College

Alternative Licensure Program (Elementary and Secondary)

Alternative education courses are 5 – 8 weeks long and typically meet on Thursday
afternoons and evenings, during CMC fall and spring semesters or summer sessions. Classes are built in a hybrid model with 1/3 of the time meeting for in-person classes and 2/3s of the time in the field.
Students must complete all credited coursework with at least an 80% (B-) or higher in each course
• Submit a mentor meeting log to demonstrate times and content discussed with mentor teacher
• Complete at least six (6) observation cycles during the program duration
• Defend their eligibility for an initial teaching license in front of a panel 
• Defense happens in June or upon completion of program
• Details for defense will be forthcoming

Pathway Type:

Alternative Teacher Licensure

Course Format:

In Person, Online


9-12 months

Region(s) Served:


Contact Information:

Contact: Liz Qualman, e-mail:



Endorsement Area(s):

  • Health (K-12)

To request a change to this program pathway, copy the following pathway reference id and submit a change request form.

Pathway Reference ID: 65051